The Tastemakers Society prides itself on finding tastemakers and one thing for sure is Jerry Lorenzo Manuel and Javier “Leber” Laval are definitely tastemakers in every since. They help cultivate lifestyles by having their hands deep in the cookie jar making sure to spread them around to as many as they can. And they’re talents don’t end there both had plans to be professional athletes, and read on to see who would come out on top as the better athlete.
Name, age, location
Jerry Lorenzo Manuel, 30, Los Angeles (J. Lorenzo)
Javier “Leber” Laval, 33, Los Angeles via Zeta Reticuli
First job you ever had, worst job you ever had?
J. Lorenzo: Cutting the grass in the neighborhood-Worst…hmmm…Looking back, I hate to say that any job was my “worst” job, as I believe you learn invaluable life lessons from everything, especially working as it’s a position of service…However, I did intern with MTV Networks in Santa Monica when I first moved to Los Angeles with the hopes of learning the behind the scenes aspect of television production and development…Instead of hands on experience, I spent most of my time there inside a small closet organizing a storage closet full of betas and vhs videos without labels…As much as I hated the inside of that closet, I learned to humbly serve with a positive spirit…A valuable lesson which I wouldn’t trade in…
Javier: First job was at the mall at a place called Shirtique making iron on t-shirts. Worst job was a multi-level marketing gig I had to buy into. I was selling cooking knives.
In your best yet simplest terms explain what you do.
J. Lorenzo: Basically the simplest way put…Our company (Truestar Media/JL Productions) consults brands, companies and individuals on how to effectively increase their relevance and impact within and beyond their respective segments/markets…We provide our clients with access to the influencer/tastemaker markets via innovative marketing and partnerships, strategic events and creative brand collaborations. On top of that…We style, provide wardrobe services for television and film projects…We have our own line of products that we’re working on…Throw the hottest most diverse event/parties in Hollywood…We’ve been blessed to be able to provide services for clients based on what we feel are our God given talents and abilities…Whether its our ability to bring people together and provide a platform for like minds to socialize or something as simple as telling a brand, “Yo, that’s not fly.”
Javier: Dissect, cultivate, and disseminate our generations’ lifestyle and culture via entertainment, marketing, fashion, and film.
How did you get into that and is this what you wanted to or was there something else when you were growing up?
J. Lorenzo: Growing up I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and be pro baseball player…I’m still involved in sports as we have a few pro athletes as clients, just not like the way I imagined as a kid…I don’t think there’s a specific way or a certain path that directs everyone to a specific profession or position…In my case, I did it more of the traditional way…College, grad school, interning, etc…On the other hand, my business partner took a more hands on, street approach…We’re now, professionally, at the same place…
Javier: I wanted to be a professional athlete, and a physical therapist. I got into doing what I do now because I got injured, lost my scholarship, quit school and started doing street promotions and parties.
n your words what do you see or think is happening to the world of fashion, streetwear has ballooned, the skate/action culture has seemed to cross over and become more acceptable but at the same time, luxury brands are still thriving and growing, can all these variables in fashion survive or are we just going through a phase like the disco era, that will phase out?
J. Lorenzo: I think we are at a great place in fashion…Streetwear and the skate/action culture are founded in origins of authenticity and originality, which is why they have been and will continue to be successful…To me it’s simple…Fashion is in a place where now because of the shift in power, whatever it is authentically “fresh or fly” will rise to the top, whether it’s a street brand or a luxury brand…Hype is dead.
Javier: I don’t think any of it will phase out, they will just evolve and morph into and out of each other. Nothing really ever dies, it just evolves, but you can find pieces and influences of everything past in today’s culture, music, fashion, film, etc. Streetwear and it’s offspring will evolve into the new luxury brands of tomorrow. Crooks & Castles will be the Gucci of the Future, etc. As long as people stay true to themselves and their brands they will survive the time/space continuum and keep evolving.
If you were interviewing each other what questions would you ask the other?
J. Lorenzo: After working with Jav for the past three years I have a really good idea of what inspires him and what his goals and aspirations are…The goal for us both is just “not to stop.”…And to eventually be in a position to positively influence the masses and to change the world for good…Whether that platforms comes via the creation of a product or a series of global events…We want to help to change the world and exalt all that is righteous and founded in truth and to glorify the kingdom.
Javier: With great power comes great responsibility….How will you use your powers for good and not evil?
What is a usual day like for you both?
J. Lorenzo: There is no usual day for us…On a given day we could be on set styling/doing wardrobe for a television commercial/music video all day…Spend a day taking breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings with directors, brands or marketing execs…Working from home developing proposals, new business plans/projects…At a Dodger game supporting one of our pro-athlete clients…On a photoshoot…Who knows??? That’s kind of what makes what we do fun and entertaining…We are blessed to be in a place where we use our God given talents daily and get paid for it…
Javier: Oatmeal in the morning, Grooming, light workout, and then start with the chaos…the chaos doesn’t stop until probably around 2am.
What is the best secret spot in LA to go to for fun that’s not a club or restaurant?
J. Lorenzo: My rooftop downtown…
Javier: I think the best spot is this little asian tapas restaurant right on the 4th St. Downtown LA called Warung. It’s a hole in the wall but the food is amazing and its a low key environment so you can just come as you are.
Any up coming projects in the works you can speak on?
J. Lorenzo: Jav…can we tell people yet????
Javier: Android Homme is a brand that we are launching as we speak. It will be a great variation of sneakers, tshirts, cut & sew hoodies, etc. I expect to be warmly received. We are also consulting on this project that will change the way people sell products online. This new tool is amazing and has enormous potential for brands, retailers, and consumers.
Who is the better athlete?
J. Lorenzo: Without any doubt, question or equivocation, that would be me.
Javier: We still got money on that question so it has yet to be proven…but Jerry can definitely swing a baseball bat much better than I can.
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