One of the major influences of One Man Stand is symbolism. This video is of thinker and philosopher Michael Tsarion, one of the most interesting people of our times. He discusses symbols, and how they have been a part of humans since the beginning, how they effect us and how they are used to control. It is a 10 part video, and it is definitely worth watching.
One Man Stand encourages symbol literacy, and what these images and logos truly stand for, because some symbols are truly not what they seem. Now you may ask why this is important information. Take a second and think of all the items you have used today since you woke up. Now think of all those brands that sold you those items. What comes to mind? What makes you remember it? The "branding", the symbols for what it stands for.
Here is a piece that I have always questioned and probably greets some of us daily. I have realized that it is on most food and cleaning products. Take a look at the logo of Unilever.

Lot's of crazy stuff going on. You'll find this label in any bathtub or kitchen in America. What is it all about? And if it's on food and cleaning products, what exactly then are we feeding ourselves? What energy are these logos calling upon? One thing is, with so many symbols, it must be a jumble of things. We will cover more as we unfold each icon, piece by piece.
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