Monday, July 14, 2008

One Man Stand Brand Launch!

One Man Stand has officially launched and is open for all to view! We are currently featuring our Summer 2008 tee shirt line and they will be available to order in the coming days! We will keep you posted on the status of our online store.

One Man Stand is an urban / street wear line that was founded by two very good friends who knew each other since early college days at FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising), Brandon Palma and James Stewart III. With a combined background of graphic design, brand devolopement, manufacturing, and marketing, we agreed to join up to create something new for the world. We started meeting up on idea and focusing on an energy path for a lifestyle brand that would be consciously different and inspiring, and that would have the capacity to grow to touch various creative outputs.

We are excited to start this journey and are forever grateful for this opportunity to turn people's minds on in a creative way!

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